Here are all of Rev. Dr. Red's and Spiritual Messiah Ministries videos. Rev. Dr. Red has two video channels to ensure all videos are viewable. Videos seem to take a while to upload to youtube, so YouTube and Qik are both used and videos will be embedded here using both services. Below is a preview/link of the YouTube and the Qik channel. Below you will find links to the YouTube and Qik channel's followed by each of the videos. To ensure you do not miss a video, bookmark this page and check back weekly. Newer videos will be embedded BELOW the last video added. Please also subscribe to the YouTube and Qik channels. Any comments to the videos may be mentioned in the comment section of the video on the YouTube and Qik channel or emailed to or
Some videos can also be found on Vimeo by Clicking Here
Videos are for educational purposes. If you feel you can use the videos for educational purposes, you have permission to spread the videos; whether by linking to them, email, embedding from the channel, or mirror-ing my videos. Please spread the word. Thankyou and God Bless.
If the player does not show, videos can also be found on Qik Video by Clicking Here and YouTube by Clicking Here
Introducing Spiritual Messiah Ministries and Reverend Dr. Red:
Introducing the Spiritual Truth Movement & Coalition:
My Declaration:
History of The Bible:
Differences in Bible Translations:
What is Truth?
Islam and the Bible: Overview
Agenda 21 and Bible Prophecy: Overview